工作開放國家:亞洲, 歐洲
1. At least 2 years of experience in the industry and managing a business development team in the CIS region.
2. Extensive local contacts with spot trading channels and KOL resources, with a strong understanding of local exchange markets and user distribution.
3. Data-sensitive with a strong focus on goals and results.
4. Driven by ambition, with excellent communication and collaboration skills.
5. Fluent in Chinese.
zoey tan
HR ManagerCEX Fintech
以加密貨幣支付, 利潤分成
發布於 09 October 2024
Europe Business Development Lead
CEX Fintech
远程办公 - 歐洲1-3 年經驗學歷不限全職
zoey tanHR Manager
Head of Platform Operations
Best Web3
远程办公 - 中國,新加坡3 - 5 年經驗本科全職
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远程办公 - 亞洲,歐洲3 - 5 年經驗本科全職
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Social Media Intern
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远程办公 - 菲律賓1-3 年經驗學歷不限全職
Claudette GesolganiRecruiter
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